The Chaplaincy: A centre of care and support for all

Chaplaincy provides personal, emotional, communal, spiritual, faith and belief support, for all members of the University and is used as much or more by people of no religion, than by people of particular faiths. We have a commitment not to proselytise, and to support all people to flourish.

If discrimination on the grounds of religion or belief, or any other form of discrimination, has affected you, we encourage you to discuss concerns with the Chaplaincy.

About us

About us

The Chaplaincy is a University provision of pastoral and spiritual support for students and staff of all faiths and none.

For more information on the work The Chaplaincy does please click here to visit our Welcome to Chaplaincy section

Chaplaincy Media Hopper

The Listening Service

The Listening Service operates through the University Chaplaincy, for students or staff who want to touch base on any concerns or anxieties, or are looking for a timely or purposeful conversation. 

How to get in touch

The Listening Service offers appointments 9-5pm on weekdays, to book an appointment please email

The Listening Service can also be accessed outwith office hours for support with urgent matters. To contact the Listening Service out of hours, please phone University Security on 0131 650 2257.

Multifaith, Belief and Spirituality

The University Multi-faith and Belief Chaplaincy provides pastoral and spiritual support, courses and spiritual practices, for students and staff of all faiths and none

Details of faith and worship facilities on and near the University campus can be found here.

For more information on religions and belief traditions please click here and for details of religious and belief groups who meet in the Chaplaincy click here.


The University of Edinburgh Mindfulness programme at the Chaplaincy offers a wide range of resources, from free lunch-time drop-ins to monthly day retreats, led by Dr Kitty Wheater, Mindfulness Chaplain.

Click here to read more about our Mindfulness provision at The Chaplaincy.

We offer Mindfulness courses open to all staff and students. 

Our weekly MindLetter consists of an email, with a theme for reflection. 

Events and Exhibitions

Events and Exhibitions at The Chaplaincy

The Chaplaincy offers a range of events throughout semester that are open to all staff and students.  

This includes our weekly drop-in sessions with a focus around wellbeing including Mindfulness, Tai Chi and Mindful Doodling. We also offer workshops, courses and other events annual events like our Carol Service.

Who We Are

Get to know our team here at The Chaplaincy.

We are made up of our Chaplaincy staff, Chaplains and support staff, as well as our diverse Honorary Chaplain and Belief contact team.

Details of how to contact members of our team can be found on their profiles.