Refugee Work

Work undertaken by the Chaplaincy in response to the ongoing refugee crisis.

Please contact Revd Ali Newell for enquiries about volunteering opportunities at

University students ally with Chaplain to provide a helping hand to disorientated teenagers, who fled civil war. By Omar Karmi, 26th May 2017 as a story on the UNHCR website.

Offering a light in the darkness, to show those who face daily conflict and starvation that the world is spreading out beacons of vigilance and hope.

Two Edinburgh students are using their technical skills to provide a lifeline for refugees.

Details from our When Education Becomes Possible event in October 2017.

Refugees in Scotland are in need of assistance in higher education. The University of Edinburgh Chaplaincy organised a sponsored walk on the 3rd and 4th of June 2017 to raise initial funds to offer educational opportunities. The Chaplaincy invited staff, students and the larger Edinburgh community to participate.