'Towards a Compassionate University' Slides

Please follow the link below to access a PDF presentation on Compassionate University written by our University Chaplain, Revd Dr Harriet Harris. 

The Chaplaincy has turned its ‘What’s the University for?’ work in the direction of working towards a Compassionate University, together with the Edinburgh University Global Compassion Initiative (GCI) https://www.ed.ac.uk/global-health/compassion. The University Chaplain, Revd Dr Harriet Harris gave the following presentation to the University Secretary Group’s Heads Meeting in Semester 1, 2019-2020, setting out the vision for a University whose members relate with compassion to one another, whose processes are congruent with compassion, and whose influence in the world and in meeting the SDGs is strengthened and honed by compassion. Partners in this work and vision include the Scottish Government, Carnegie Trust, Stanford and the University of Helsinki. 
