Islamic Society

Details of the Islamic Society and more information on how you can get involved.


ISocEd was formed in 2001 to provide a space to meet and gather for all who are interested in Islam through a combination of social and informative events. We also aim to represent and assist all Muslim students at Edinburgh University as best we can, and work to promote a positive understanding of Islam and Muslims to the wider student body, staff and Edinburgh community.



Before the pandemic, we held a weekly gathering at the Chaplaincy auditorium on Tuesdays, 5-7 PM. God willing, we hope to continue this tradition in the 2021/22 year, subject to changing local guidelines.

We have also hosted end of semester dinners, invited numerous speakers from the local Muslim community, and facilitated regular brothers and sisters’ socials.

We are heavily invested in intrafaith and interfaith work, working closely with the Chaplaincy’s Co-Existence student group and participating in interfaith week. We also proudly host our annual Dispelling Divides, a one of a kind Sunni-Shia intrafaith event.

This year, we hope to continue beloved ISocEd traditions and introduce new ones through a combination of in person and online events!



Stay up to date with our updates, including our Welcome Week events, through our social media pages:




Contact us directly through our social media pages to be added to our mailing list as well as our brothers and sisters WhatsApp groups!


A green and white crescent moon with green text beside it reading: ISocEd The University of Edinburgh Islamic Society