The Chaplaincy of Joyful Abandon Podcast Series

Details of The Chaplaincy of Joyful Abandon Podcast Series posted by Revd Dr Harriet Harris

Abstract painting

If your mind and body are sore from trying to solve the world’s distressing problems; if you’ve ‘fried your brain’, or are ‘banging your head against a wall’; if you’re oppressed by goals, and the need to get it right, and are trying to hold it all together - then come and unravel at the Chaplaincy of Joyful Abandon. In these podcasts, we let go of what we think we know, so that we can see what emerges from deeper down.


Cast off your mask, lay down your burdens, swap your effort-full ways for the way of attention, openness, and trust. The Chaplaincy of Joyful Abandon invites you to step playfully into the weighty issues of our times with the agility, awareness, and grace of a human being fully alive.


Turning a Crisis into a Drama: Becoming actors in response to climate change

Click here to listen to the podcast on Media Hopper and Anchor


Rituals as a Lifeboat for our Planet

Click here to listen to the podcast on Media Hopper and Anchor


The joy and vitality of not-knowing

Click here to listen to podcast on Media Hopper and Anchor