Pilates Society

Details of the Pilates society and information on how you can get involved.

What is Pilates?

Pilates is a form of exercise which has a special focus on strenthening of the core whilst improving balance, flexibilty and posture. It is also a great practice for stress relief and mindfulness. The aim of our Pilates society is to establish a welcoming, comfortable environment without the added stress of mandatory attendance every week, where all skills levels can benefit from the practice of Pilates and work towards mastery without excessive worry about its cost.


Pilates Classes:

Our classes cater to all levels ranging from complete beginer to advanced mat Pilates and are led by a qualified and friendly teacher. For semester 1 2020, we will be running our classes virtually on Zoom. These will be held live every Wednesday evening from 8 pm - 9 pm. Members of the Society pay no class fees at all, but there is also an option to pay as you go for every class you attend for £7.50 each. Sign up for the classes on our Facebook page and the Zoom link will be emailed to you before the class starts.



We are organising various virtual socials over the course of semester 1. Our first social will be a meetup and drinks event during Welcome Week on Wednesday 16th September 7 pm - 9 pm where you will be able to meet old and new members of the Society as well as ask any questions you have. Everyone is invited, members and non-members alike. Sign up via the following link! 



Stay in touch via our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/uoepilates