Library of Mindfulness Practices

Each week's lunchtime mindfulness drop-in consists of a guided practice and group inquiry. The practices are recorded, and available here either as a video or audio file, to stream or download for personal use.
All practices are 25-30 mins long, unless otherwise described.

Close up photograph of an orange flower.


Grounding      Audio Only  (18 mins)

Deep Grounding        Audio only  (15 mins)

Deep Grounding        Audio only  (31 mins)

Grounding and Settling         Audio only

Grounding for Emotion         Audio only

Grounding With the Body      Audio only

Grounding and Releasing      Audio only

Grounding the Busy Mind     Audio only 

Grounding and Presence     Audio only 

Settling Before Christmas     Audio only 

Grounding the Restless Mind                       Audio only 

Grounding Through Body and Breath          Audio only

Grounding and Stability in the Body            Audio only

Grounding Through Feet, Seat, and Hands            Audio only 


Mindfulness of Body and Breath

Body as Anchor, Body as Radar                  Audio only

Sensing the Body Through Temperature    Audio only

Settling into the Body            Audio only

Grounding With the Body      Audio only

Listening to the Body            Audio only  (19 mins)

Restful Body Scan                 Audio only 

Grounding Through Body and Breath          Audio only

Breath Breathing the Body                           Audio only

The Felt Sense of the Body                          Audio Only

Grounding and Stability in the Body            Audio only


Mindfulness for Comfort and Nourishment

Mindfulness of What’s Pleasant        Audio only

Comforting, Anchoring                      Audio only 

Tuning into Nourishment                  Audio only 

Practising Rest          Audio only 

Restful Body Scan     Audio only 

A Warm Attention       Audio only


Self-Compassion and Compassion

Self-Compassion First Response                 Audio only  (5 mins)

Lockdown Anniversary Self Compassion     Audio only 

Self-Compassion and Friendliness               Audio only

Grounded Connection and Compassion     Audio only  

Embodied Self-Compassion                          Audio only

Befriending      Audio only


Mindfulness of Thoughts, Mental Patterns, and Habits

Exploring Automatic Pilot      Audio only

Mindfulness of Thoughts      Audio only

Grounding the Busy Mind     Audio only 

Working with 'No' Mind          Audio only

Grounding the Restless Mind                       Audio only 

Settling and Grounding from Thoughts       Audio only

Mindfulness of Driven-Doing Mode              Audio only


Working with Pain and Fatigue

Beginners’ practices

Part 1: Resourcing for Pain              Audio only  (9 mins)

Part 2: Pain: Resource, Recognise, Respond         Audio only  (9 mins)


Further practices

Mindfulness of What’s Pleasant        Audio only 

Mindfulness of the Pleasant              Audio only  (20 mins)                       

Mindfulness of Tiredness and Fatigue         Audio only

A Spacious Awareness of Pain and Discomfort     Audio only 



Working with Strong Emotions

Grounding for Emotion         Audio only

Grounding and Releasing      Audio only

Mindfulness for Anxiety         Audio only

Space for What's Difficult     Audio only

Working with 'No' Mind          Audio only


Embodied Movement

Grounding, Breath, and Movement  Audio only

Stillness and Movement       Audio only 

Restful Movement                  Audio only


Working with Awareness Itself

Space and Ground                Audio only

The Fluidity of Awareness     Audio only


Mindfulness for Sleep

Mindfulness for Sleep           Audio only  (14 mins)

Mindfulness of Body and Breath for Sleep              Audio only  (14 mins)