Religion and Belief Literacy

The University Multi-faith and Belief Chaplaincy provides pastoral and spiritual support, courses and spiritual practices, for students and staff of all faiths and none

Support from The Chaplaincy 

Our multi-faith and belief team represents over 15 different religious and belief traditions. Please click here to read more. We are often sought for advice and training on practical matters around religion and belief as they affect university life, such as questions about prayer spaces, food, dress, accommodation, hygiene, fasting, freedom of speech, and religious festivals.

Please be in touch if you would like to discuss any such matters. You may also find the resources below helpful. 

Multifaith Festivals Calendar

There are a wide variety of religious festivals and holy days.  The Interfaith Network UK has information about religious holy days and festivals, including short descriptions for each. Click here to view the yearly Calendar. 

Case Studies and Videos

  • Case-studies for frequently arising scenarios, produced by the UK-based Religious Literacy in Higher Education Leadership research project.
  • Harvard’s Religious Literacy Project has multiple videos, case-studies and courses. 
  • This 2 minute animation from Harvard University's Religious Literacy Project  explores three widespread misunderstandings about religion.
  • Resources from the Interfaith Network of the United Kingdom to support Interfaith Dialogue, (the cooperative, constructive, and positive interaction between people of different religious traditions  spiritual or humanistic beliefs, to promote understanding and increase acceptance of others.). Click here to explore these. 
  • Yale University (one of the world's top universities, based in Connecticut, USA) offers two free courses online - one on the New Testament, and one on the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible). Click here to view now. 

Other online resources for learning about religion and belief