Mindfulness Day Retreats

All Mindfulness Day Retreats are now running online.

Retreats are offered on Saturdays throughout the academic year. 


They are open to all University members and members of the public.





The retreats begin at 11am and end at 4pm. Consisting of three sessions spaced throughout the day, the online retreat builds in flexibility for you to attend to things at home as you need, or spend the duration of the day ‘on retreat’, as you wish.


Arrive online: 10.55am-11am

Session 1: 11am-12.30pm

Session 2: 1.30-2.30pm

Session 3: 3-4pm



In the ordinary busyness of everyday life, we rarely have opportunities to step back, quieten, and reflect. It is all the harder to do this in extraordinary times.

An online Mindfulness Day Retreat is an opportunity to undertake guided and supported practice and reflection, in your home.

A series of different practices, from the body scan to mindful movement, offer the possibility of observing the ebb and flow of experience, and investigating with curiosity and friendliness whatever may be present in mind and body.

Participants often take a retreat with two main intentions for the day: either to explore whatever happens to show up, or perhaps to set aside the time to reflect upon something in particular, supported by the practice.

A full day of practice offers the time and space to deepen this self-inquiry and spot recurring patterns of mind. It is a valuable source of support and revitalisation, whether in an on-going mindfulness practice, or if you are looking to begin again after a hiatus.


The retreat is open to everyone with some previous experience of mindfulness or meditation.

For example, you may have used an app like Headspace or Calm, or attended a mindfulness workshop or an eight-week course; you may have been practising mindfulness or meditation for many years, and attended retreats or day retreats elsewhere.

If you are a complete beginner to mindfulness or meditation, we recommend that you attend one of the Chaplaincy’s mindfulness online drop-in sessions, or try out a mindfulness app, before attending a day retreat.

If you are currently attending an eight-week mindfulness course with the University, one of that semester’s day retreats is included as part of the cost of your course. You will have booked your day retreat at the same time that you booked your course.

If you are currently experiencing significant difficulties with your mental health, or have previous experience of psychosis, please contact the Mindfulness Chaplain before booking onto a day retreat.


You will need to set aside a space and time at home, in which you will be (relatively!) undisturbed during the sessions.

To support this, let those you are living with know that you are ‘on retreat’.

Ensure that you have some easy lunch and snacks set up for yourself in advance.

Wear loose, comfortable, and warm clothing.

You may like to use meditation cushions and a yoga mat, if you have these; otherwise, you will want a chair with a supportive back, and pillows and cushions to make a seat on the floor if you wish.

Have a water bottle, medicines and other essentials available. We invite you to approach the retreat as a day of time and space for yourself, so please set up anything else that you wish to be comfortable, like a pair of slippers, or favourite cushion, shawl or mug.

Please do not bring magazines, books, or extra screens with you to the sessions. Mobile phones must be switched off for the duration of the retreat.


The Mindfulness Day Retreats are led by the University Mindfulness Chaplain, Dr Kitty Wheater.


Please note we will send out a zoom link and password for those attending, and these will be sent out in emails to registered attendees before the retreat.