15th of May 2020

Today’s poem was chosen by our East Asian Christian Belief Contact Jaehun Park.

The Oak  

by Alfred Lord Tennyson

Live thy Life,

Young and old,

Like yon oak,

Bright in spring,

Living gold;

Summer-rich Then;

and then Autumn-changed

Soberer-hued Gold again.

All his leaves

Fall’n at length,

Look, he stands,

Trunk and bough

Naked strength.  


Currently, we are facing hardship and moments of loss. We have lost our normal life and the norm of socialising has also gone having to keep distance between one another. This can be likened to a tree that has lost all of its leaves,  eventhough naked and bare, it will stand strong and persist living. Each and everyone of us has the raw and naked strength within. I hope that the poem will help you find the naked strength within you and not to despair from failure but use this moment to shine your raw strength that already resided within.  


Jaehun Park