PENSA Edinburgh Christian Fellowship

Details of PENSA Edinburgh Christian Fellowship and how you can get involved.

PENSA Edinburgh Christian Fellowship

PENSA stands for Pentecost Students and Associates.*

PENSA Edinburgh Christian Fellowship banner for 2020 academic year.

PENSA is an interdenominational Christian society that seeks to empower youth to make a difference in the world through the teachings of Christ. It is an international society that can be found in many universities over the UK including Glasgow, Dundee, Derby, Birmingham, for example.

In PENSA Edi we meet to discuss challenging faith-based topics, provide practical solutions to pressing problems, and also to create a community of believers where everyone feels welcome and included. We are here to fellowship and support each other as we navigate our faith, education and all other aspects of our lives. PENSA is inclusive and accommodating of all people and we want all members, participants and the wider University community to feel welcomed at our events.

We aim to build a diverse and united community of students, brought together by a desire to learn about Christ, discuss and deal with pressing issues faced by Christian youth in this age, and to strengthen their spiritual life in a way that draws them closer to God and shapes their lives for the better. We also focus on the personal development of our members. Our slogan of “raising world-changers with the Christ factor” attests to this wherein we aim to use our teachings on faith to empower members spiritually and educationally so that they can apply these skills and qualities in the chosen careers.

From the various leadership positions available on the committee to more general day-to-day opportunities for members to get involved in the running of events, PENSA gives its members the confidence to step up and lead. It instils values of respect and love whilst infusing members with the confidence, communication skills and resilience to stand on any stage – whether to declare the Gospel, give an academic presentation, or to display any form of talent that they possess.

Overall, PENSA exists to allow individuals to express their faith (or to learn about faith and develop their own understanding and intimate relationship with God) in the mode in which they are most comfortable. At PENSA, members are encouraged to pray in their own native languages, to lead worship and praises in diverse languages, and to express their Spiritual gifts boldly, confidently and in a safe-space – with the knowledge that they will be supported and loved in whatever they do.

PENSA Edinburgh Christian Fellowship logo, a yellow circle with a blue cross and pattern

We host Bible study meetings, prayer meetings, talent nights, hiking excursions (the infamous ‘PENSA ON THE MOUNTAIN), movie nights, games night, potlucks powerful evangelism activities, PENSA chats and so much more.  The core aspect of our society will be composed of Bible Study, Prayer meetings, and Worship Nights (an interactive discussion panel where members can engage in topical and challenging faith-based questions such as “Why would a just God allow evil and suffering”, “Is fasting still a necessary Christian practice” and the like). The Bible study and prayer meetings will normally be infused into one weekly event.  The more social aspect of our societies will be organised on an ad-hoc basis and will generally follow themes that correspond with the church calendar (for example the potluck would likely occur at Christmas time to make it a Christmas potluck).


We can’t wait to fellowship with you. Join us and GET CONNECTED!!

Follow our socials to stay updated:

  • Email:
  • Instagram: @pensaedi
  • Twitter: @pensa_edinburgh
  • Facebook: @pensaedi

Eventbrite: PENSA Edinburgh


Please watched the videos below to hear about their experience of being part of PENSA from student members.