Other support services

Support services available across the University and other organisations in Edinburgh

Support within the University

The University has a wide variety of mental health and wellbeing services. Some events put a focus on the academic aspects of University life such as essay writing and exam preparation. Others offer the opportunity to learn about the steps you can take to help with common difficulties like ‘being stuck’ or ‘low confidence.’

There are drop ins, workshops and courses to teach you skills you can apply more widely like Mindfulness and Tai chi.

Other support services 

Below is a list of some of the organisations in Edinburgh who provide support around mental health and wellbeing. 


Help outside term time

Outside term time, most of the services above will still operate during the week, with the exception of Nightline, and the Chaplains can still be contacted via Security on 0131 650 2257, even at night.

If you would rather not speak to a member of University staff, the Samaritans can be contacted on the link above, or by telephoning 08457 909090..