Labyrinth Chaplain

Very Revd Frances Burberry

Photograph of Very Revd Canon Frances Burberry: Labyrinth Chaplain

The Very Revd Canon Frances Burberry is the Dean of the Diocese of Edinburgh and a key member of the diocesan leadership team. She is also Rector of St Ninian’s, Comely Bank.

As the Labyrinth Chaplain, Frances oversees the beautiful labyrinth in George Square Garden at the University, and also the large Chartres-style canvas labyrinth and the smaller calico labyrinths which are used for indoor events.

She is a trained Labyrinth facilitator through Veriditas. When she is not 'on the job', Frances loves Scottish Country Dancing, golf and gardening - but not all at the same time. Please click on the link below to find out more about the Edinburgh University Labyrinth.









Very Revd Frances Burberry

Labyrinth Chaplain

Contact details