17th of June 2020

Ali Newell Associate Chaplain selected this poem for today

Jessie Fubara-Manuel  is a PhD student who went on a Chaplaincy trip to Camas, a remote centre of the Iona Community on the Hebridean island of Mull last year. This was a trip with students and vulnerable citizens from the Grassmarket Community. She wrote to me yesterday sharing this lovely poem and said:
'I just thought to share a poem I wrote about Camas. Camas prepared me for the solitude that covid-19 demanded and I am thankful for the capacity to look inward and be satisfied.
Photograph of the Island of Mull. There is landscape with blue skies, hills in the background and sea meeting the land.

I remember Camas

I remember Camas

Where all was calm

And the loudest sound

Was the rush of the sea

The croaks of the chickens

And the laughter of friends

Photograph of houses by the shore at Mull


I remember Camas

Where all was serene

And the brightest sights

Were the beautiful mountain tops

The clear blue skies

And the tall green bushes


I remember Camas today

And I am thankful

For the gift of solitude

The simplicity of life

The slow pace of everything

All needful in this new-normal of covid-19.


Jessie Fubara-Manuel

2019 UoE Camas Team