
Irene Cotugno

Irene Cotugno is the University's Baha'i Belief Contact, and also works in the Human Resources department at the university.

Photograph of Irene Cotugno

I am a member of the Scottish Bahá’í community and joined the Chaplaincy Honorary Team as the Bahá’í belief contact in 2013. I am originally from Italy and moved to Edinburgh in 2011. I work in the Human Resources department at the University.

I love meeting new people, spending time with friends and family and going back to Italy whenever I get the chance. The Bahá’í Faith has always been central in my life.

One of the fundamental teachings of Bahá’u’lláh (1817-1892), the Founder of the Bahá’í Faith, is the oneness of humanity – the conviction that we all belong to one human family. The Bahá’í Writings are vast and address many themes including the inherent nobility of the human being, the development of spiritual qualities, and the idea that the religions of the world come from the same Source and are in essence successive chapters of one religion from God.

The Bahá’í community offers many opportunities for spiritual growth, reflection, friendship and service to others. It is a very diverse community where you can meet people from all backgrounds and walks of life. More information and resources are available at

“The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens.” (Bahá’u’lláh)



Irene Cotugno

Baha'i Belief Contact

  • University of Edinburgh (Human Resources Dept.)

Contact details