13th of April 2020

Today’s poem, chosen by the University Chaplain, Harriet Harris, is by Malcom Guite, a priest-poet and Chaplain of Girton College Cambridge

Today’s poem, chosen by the University Chaplain, Harriet Harris, is by Malcom Guite, a priest-poet and Chaplain of Girton College Cambridge. In his Poet’s Corner for the Church Times 27 March 2020, he writes about the tension of Spring this year with the Covid19 shutdown: the promise and allure of birds singing and buds opening, whilst we keep our distance, hunker down, and sit out dark days. This is also the tension of the Easter season that we are now in: all is not yet well with the world, but the new hope has dawned. Guite offers, from his latest poetry collection After Prayer, this

Photograph of green Lilly buds waiting to bloom

Benediction for Spring


With each unfolding seed, with every Spring,

He breathes the rumour of his resurrection,

As birdsong calls your hidden heart to sing.

So may this season be his benediction,

To life your love, and bid your prayer take


To thaw your frozen hope, to warm your


For spring has come! Can Heaven be far behind?
