Mindfulness Workshops

Details of Mindfulness Workshops at The Chaplaincy.

All Mindfulness Workshops are run online, and there is no need to register in advance. Join on the day by visiting this page.


Mindfulness for Sleep

Photograph of a woman lying awake in bed staring at a clock.

Kitty runs regular Mindfulness for Sleep workshops during term-time. These explore some of the common cognitive patterning around sleeplessness, and some simple mindfulness techniques to help at 3am.

The next workshop will run: TBA 

You can also use Kitty’s online Mindfulness for Sleep toolkit at any time.


Deep Grounding for Stress

This practical workshop explores simple, effective techniques for nervous system down-regulation during and after experiences of heightened stress. Ideal for exam, deadline or performance stress.

The next workshop will run: TBA

You can get a taste with this Deep Grounding practice.


Mindfulness for Pain

This workshop explores common cognitive patterning around pain, whether chronic or acute, as well as simple practices to down-regulate the nervous system’s response.

The next workshop will run: TBA

You can also use Kitty's online Mindfulness for Pain toolkit at any time.


A drawing of the evolution of humans, beginning as apes, moving through to using tools and the final silhouette is a person sitting on a computer chair working on a laptop.

Mindfulness for Zoom Fatigue

Kitty‘s Mindfulness for Zoom Fatigue toolkit is available at any time. This covers why and how we find video calls tiring and anxiety-provoking, and explores real-time practical mindfulness techniques and exercises to reduce Zoom fatigue. You can also read Kitty's MindLetters on Zoom FatigueZoom Burnout, and Information Overload.