Today’s poem is by Miroslav Holub from 'Tools of the Trade' and has been chosen by Associate Chaplain, Ali Newell. The poem expresses the value of opening ourselves in small ways to each other and the world in this difficult time. The Door by Miroslav Holub translated by Ian Milner Go and open the door.Maybe outside there’sa tree, or a wood,a garden,or a magic city. Go and open the door.Maybe a dog’s rummaging.Maybe you’ll see a face,or an eye,or the pictureof a picture. Go and open the door.If there’s a fogit will clear. Go and open the door.Even if there’s onlythe darkness ticking,even if there’s onlythe hollow wind,even ifnothingis there,go and open the door. At leastthere’ll bea draught. From 'Tools of the Trade’ - Poems for New Doctors edited by Dr Lesley Morrison, Dr John Gillies and Rev Ali Newell This article was published on 2024-06-24