For Times Like These

We reflect on what may uplift and inspire us in times like these – for challenging though they are, they are rich soil for discovering more about ourselves, our University community, and the world we’re building. Read, subscribe, and comment to join the conversation.

This blog began in 2020, to help us navigate COVID lockdowns and meltdowns, and raise our spirits.

We wrote about working wisely with fear and worryfinding vision and purpose amidst uncertain futures, what cycling teaches us about life, the perils of Zoom fatigue, and the practice of gratitude – even in the midst of great difficulty. You can find all our previous posts here, and we’ll refer back to them as we go.

Two years on, we relaunch across a similarly turbulent backdrop, reaffirming the theme of paying careful attention to life and the world amidst both turmoil and beauty. At home we face a cost of living crisis and the ongoing burden of Covid; socio-political challenges play out in our country and abroad; and the age-old challenges of city and university life continue. We reflect on what may uplift and inspire us in times like these – for challenging though they are, they are rich soil for discovering more about ourselves, our University community, and the world we’re building. 

Read here, subscribe, and comment to join the conversation.

For this week's blog, An Illustrated Life, AN ILLUSTRATED LIFE – For Times Like These Associate Chaplain Geoffrey Baines plays with form to explore how drawing by hand 'proffers a joining of our inside and outside worlds.' Enjoy.

Grey evening sky with two flower silhouettes in the foreground