A list of Principle Publications Harriet A. Harris BOOKS Atheisms, ed. Harriet A. Harris and Victoria Harrison (Routledge, 2023) The Journey of Christian Initiation: Theological and Pastoral perspectives, with Paul Avis et al (Church House Publishing, 2011). God, Goodness and Philosophy, ed. Harriet A. Harris (Ashgate, 2011). Faith and Philosophical Analysis: The influence of analytical philosophy on philosophy of religion, ed. Harriet A. Harris and Christopher J. Insole (Ashgate, 2005). The Call for Women Bishops, ed. Harriet A. Harris and Jane Shaw (SPCK, 2004). Faith Without Hostages: The Cross and Resurrection in our Lives Today (SPCK, 2002). Fundamentalism and Evangelicals (Oxford University Press, 1998, 2008) – the highest selling Oxford Theological Monograph. Forthcoming Christianity: A Contemporary Philosophical Investigation, Routledge Series on World Faiths and Philosophy. Monotheism and Prayer, CUP Cambridge Elements, Religion and Monotheism Series. ARTICLES IN PEER-REVIEWED JOURNALS ‘And Finally’, Expository Times, 134/4 (2023), p. 200. ‘Body of Intelligence: a Response to Jennifer Herdt’ Studies in Christian Ethics, 35/1 (2022): 16-21. ‘Can I be judged if I don’t remember my sins?: Questioning what is important about life after death’, in Studies in Christian Ethics, 29 (August 2016): 315-322. ‘Authority, Followership and “Humbition”, Modern Believing (January, 2013): 1-13. Guest editor, with Pamela Sue Anderson, of a special issue of Women’s Philosophy Review, devoted to the philosophy of religion, 2002 (29). ‘Should we say that personhood is relational?’, Scottish Journal of Theology, reprinted in 2010 anniversary issue, original publication 1998. ‘Introductory Essay: Philosophy of Religion’, in Women’s Philosophical Review, 29 (2002): 11-22. ‘Teaching Theology in a Secular University: Reflections on the Spirituality of Learning’, in Journal of Education and Christian Belief 6/1 (Spring 2002): 27-40. ‘Struggling for Truth’, Feminist Theology, 28 (September 2001): 40-56. ‘How Should Evangelicals Do Theology?: Stop Fretting About Sure-Footedness’, Books and Culture (May/June 2001): 20-21. ‘Does Liberal Christianity Need Defending?’, Modern Believing (January 2001): 47-50. ‘Does Liberal Christianity Need Defending?’, Modern Believing (January 2001): 47-50. ‘Fundamentalism and Warranted Belief’, Journal of Christian Belief and Education, 4/1 (2000): 67-76. ‘Divergent Beginnings in Feminist Philosophy of Religion’, Feminist Theology, 23 (January 2000): 105-120. ‘Should we say that personhood is relational?’, Scottish Journal of Theology, 51/2 (1998): 214-34, reprinted in 2010 anniversary issue. ‘Proof and Probability in Arguing for God’s Existence’, Dialogue (November 1997): 18-21. ‘After Liberalism: Fundamentalism in a Post-Liberal Context’, Theology 50/797 (1997): 340-48. `Where Love and Reason Fail: Fundamentalist and Liberal Intolerance Examined with Reference to Peter Cameron's Heresy Trial', St. Mark's Review, Canberra, Australia, 164 (Summer 1996): 2-9. ‘Comparative Fundamentalism’, The Oxford International Review, 6/11 (1994): 40-45. ARTICLES IN BOOKS AND COLLECTIONS ‘Introduction: Atheisms and the Power to be Confronted’ in Atheisms, ed. Harriet A. Harris and Victoria Harrison (Routledge, 2023), pp. 1-13. ‘Compassion: human and divine’, in Made in the Image God: Being Human in the Christian Tradition, eds. Michael Fuller & David Jasper (Sacristy Press, 2021), pp. 113-133. ‘Burnout, Mistreatment and Stress’, Marti Balaam and Harriet Harris, in A Practical Guide for Medical Teachers 6e, eds. John Dent, Ronald Harden and Dan Hunt (Elsevier, 2021), pp. 369-376. ‘The Epistemology of Feminist Theology’, Oxford Handbook of Epistemology of Theology, eds. W.J. Abraham and Frederick Aquino (Oxford University Press, 2017), pp. 591-605. ‘Fundamentalist Approaches to Religion’in Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy of Religion, ed Graham Oppy (Routldege 2015), pp. 74-89. ‘Fundamentalist Readings of the Bible’, in The New Cambridge History of the Bible, vol. 4, 1750 to the Present, ed. John Riches (Cambridge University Press, 2015), pp. 328-43. ‘Dying Well: Christian Faith and Practice’, in Death, Resurrection, and Human Destiny: Christian and Muslim Perspectives, ed. by David Marshall, Lucinda Mosher (Georgetown University Press, 2014), pp. 79-94. ‘Confession’, in Liturgical Spirituality: Anglican Reflections on the Church’s Prayer, ed. Stephen Burns (New York: Seabury, 2013), pp. 38-55. ‘Fundamentalism’, in The Routledge Companion to Modern Christian Thought, ed. by Chad Meister and James Beilby (London and New York: Routledge 2013), pp. 301-314. ‘Prayer and Scripture: Participating in God’, in Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Authority of Scripture, ed. Carlos Bovell (Wipf and Stock, 2011). ‘Prayer’, in The Cambridge Companion to Philosophical Theology, ed. Charles Taliaferro and Chad Meister (Cambridge University Press, 2010), pp. 216-37. ‘Provocation’, in Philosophers and the Gods: At the Frontiers of Faith and Reason, ed. John Cornwell and Michael McGhee (London, New York: Continuum, 2009), pp. 245-51. ‘Fundamentalism in a Multicultural Society’, in Intelligent Faith: A Celebration of 150 Years of Darwinian Evolution, ed. John Quenby and John MacDonald Smith (O Books, 2009), pp. 235-55. 'Feminism', in The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Religion, ed. Chad Meister and Paul Copan (Routledge, 2007), pp. 640-50. 'Ambivalence over Virtue', in Redefining Christian Britain: Post-1945Perspectives, ed. Jane Garnett, et al (SCM, 2006), pp. 210-21. ‘Fundamentalism(s)’, in The Oxford Handbook to Biblical Studies, ed. John Rogerson and Judith Lieu (Oxford University Press, 2006), pp. 810-40. ‘Verdicts on analytical philosophy’, with Christopher Insole, in Faith and Philosophical Analysis: The influence of analytical philosophy on philosophy of religion, ed. Harriet A. Harris and Christopher J. Insole (Ashgate, 2005), pp. 100-108. ‘Does analytical philosophy clip our wings? Reformed epistemology as a test-case’, in Faith and Philosophical Analysis: The influence of analytical philosophy on philosophy of religion, eds Harriet A. Harris and Christopher J. Insole (Ashgate, 2005), pp. 1-20. ‘The Calling of Women Bishops’, with Jane Shaw, in The Call for Women Bishops, ed. Harriet A. Harris and Jane Shaw (SPCK, 2004), pp. 3-12. ‘On Understanding that the Struggle for Truth is Moral and Spiritual’, Gender, Religion & Diversity: Cross-Cultural Perspectives, eds Ursula King and Tina Beattie (Continuum, 2004), pp. 51-64. To be reissued in paperback. ‘A Theological Approach, Struggling for Truth’ (reprinted and revised from original article ‘Struggling for Truth’ which appeared in Feminist Theology, 2001), in Feminist Philosophy of Religion: Critical Readings, eds Pamela Sue Anderson and Beverley Clack, (London and New York: Routledge, 2004), pp. 73-86. ‘Evangelicalism and Liberalism’, in St Mary the Virgin University Church Oxford: The dynamics of a congregation in a century of change 1900-2000, ed. Marjorie Reeves (Oxford: Norham Press, 2003), pp. 133-36. ‘Wives Submit to your Husbands’: Evangelical Stances on Wifely Submission’, in Islamic, Hindu and Christian Fundamentalism Compared, eds Santosh C. Saha and Thomas K. Carr (Edwin Mellen Press, 2003), pp. 137-67. ‘Protestant Fundamentalism’, in Fundamentalisms, ed. Christopher Partridge (Carlisle: Paternoster, 2002), pp. 33-51. ‘How Helpful is the Term “Fundamentalism”?’, in Fundamentalisms, ed. Christopher Partridge (Carlisle: Paternoster, 2002), pp. 3-18. ‘Fundamentalism in a Protestant Context’, in Fundamentalism, Church and Society, ed. Martyn Percy (London: SPCK, 2002), pp. 7-24. ‘Mission UK: Black Pentecostalism in Britain’, for Religious Fundamentalism in Developing Countries, ed. Santosh Saha and Thomas Carr (Westport, CT; London: Greenwood Press, 2001), pp. 145-66. ‘A Diamond in the Dark: Abraham Kuyper’s Doctrine of Scripture’, in Religion, Pluralism and Public Life: Abraham Kuyper’s Legacy for the 21st Century, eds Luis Lugo and Max Stackhouse (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2000), pp. 123-44. ‘Living with Eschatological Hope’, in The Future as God’s Gift: Explorations in Christian Eschatology, ed. David Fergusson (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2000), pp. 145-49. ‘Theological Reflections on Religious Resurgence and International Stability: A Look at Protestant Evangelicalism’, in Religion and International Relations, ed. K. R. Dark (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2000), pp. 24-49. ‘Fundamentalism and Theology’, Farmington Papers, June 1998, Farmington Institute for Christian Studies. ‘Christian Feminism and Feminist Perspectives on Population Control’, in Anglican Life and Witness, eds Chris Sugden and Vinay Samuel (London: SPCK, 1997), pp. 150-55 DICTIONARY AND ENCYCLOPEDIA ENTRIES ‘Orders’, in The Cambridge Dictionary of Christian Theology, ed. Ian A McFarland, David A.S Fergusson, Karen Kilby, Iain R. Torrance (Cambridge University Press, 2011), pp. 353-54. The following entries in A Dictionary of Philosophy of Religion, ed. Charles Taliaferro, et al (Continuum, 2010): Evangelism, Evangelicalism, Fundamentalism, Prayer. ‘Fundamentalisms’ (an extended article) for the Dictionary of Contemporary Religion in the Western World, ed. Christopher Partridge (Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 2002), pp. 19-23. Reprinted in Encyclopedia of New Religions: New Religious Movements, Sects and Alternative Spiritualities, ed. Christopher Partridge (Lion, 2004), pp. 409-14. The following entries in The Dictionary of Historical Theology, ed. Trevor A. Hart (Carlisle: Paternoster; Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2000): ‘Evangelical Theology’, pp. 197-200 and ‘Turretin, Francis’, pp. 553-54. This article was published on 2024-06-24