
Tim Maguire

Photograph of Tim Maguire

Tim Maguire is the University's Humanist Honorary Chaplain. He is a Humanist celebrant, and carries out many weddings and other ceremonies every year.

I was a producer/director until I became a humanist celebrant in 2005, and an honorary member of the chaplaincy team not long afterwards. Yes, 'humanist chaplain’ sounds like an oxymoron, but it isn’t. Chaplaincy is a safe space to talk about your issues: everyday ones like money, study and loneliness, or big ones like identity, love and death. Humanism looks beyond the things that divide us to those that unite us. All chaplains do that, but I do it from a secular perspective. Get in touch any time: that’s what I’m here for.

PS if you want to know my thoughts on humanism, please read this




Tim Maguire

Honorary Humanist Chaplain

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