Compassion & Empathy in work and life

A cross-University team have developed a self-directed course available to all students and staff of the University to help navigate the importance of compassion & empathy in work and life

The aim of the course is:-

1. To develop theoretical and experiential case study-based understanding of empathy, emotional labour and compassion: their benefits, obstacles, and appropriate use​

2. To embed this understanding, through reflective practice, as it applies to the participant’s own interests and context

The course is split into five sections with resources (including readings and videos) for participants to work through at their own-pace and timing:-

     1. Research on the science and philosophy of empathy and compassion ​

     2.  Exploring significant differences between empathy and compassion ​

     3.  Evidence-based case studies of resistance to and benefits of compassion in educational and care contexts​

     4.  Defining self-compassion and evidence-based strategies for self compassion ​

     5.  Evidence-based studies of compassion in workplaces​