Israel and Palestine

Most recent Updates

We wish to see a continuate of the truce, the return of hostages, protection of the vulnerable, and humanitarian relief reaching all who need it. 


Details of Chaplaincy event for Palestinian staff and students  

Tuesday 5 December, 2pm


The Chaplaincy is hosting a further gathering for Palestinian students and staff, and any friends or associates who would like to join.

This gathering provides a safe space to talk, receive support and connect with others. Please extend this invitation to anyone you think may benefit from coming along.  


Details of Chaplaincy event for Israeli staff and students 

Wednesday 6 December, 11am

The Sanctuary at the Chaplaincy Centre, 1 Bristo Square     

The Chaplaincy is hosting a further gathering for Israeli students and staff, and any friends or associates who would like to join.

This gathering provides a safe space to talk, receive support and connect with others. Please extend this invitation to anyone you think may benefit from coming along.


Student and staff support

The University of Sanctuary webpages contain information about support services for students and staff:

A University of Sanctuary: Israel and Palestine | The University of Edinburgh

The ‘Respect at Edinburgh’ hub provides further information about our Dignity and Respect policy, how to raise any concerns and the support available:   

Respect at Edinburgh   

Please get in touch if you have any questions about this event or the support available to you.      


A message from the University Chaplain Harriet Harris in response to recent events in Israel and Palestine.

The terror and destruction, the shock and fear of people in Israel and Palestine, the devastating loss of life and threat to life, are deeply distressing. There are students and staff among us whose family-members and friends have been murdered, or who are alarmingly out of contact, and non-combatants in both Israel and Gaza are suffering the most calamitous destruction.

We, in the Chaplaincy and beyond, are wanting to connect with and support those who are from the conflict zones, or have family or friends there, of whatever nationality or religion, and also to acknowledge that we are all greatly impacted in our University community. The shock waves are running through us individually and collectively.

War and violence cannot be a solution to the century-long tensions in the region. Any solution must be based on justice and not the destruction of the other. We want to model this within our University community: quelling impulses to attack one another, and leaning into the painful difficulty of holding space together. The conflict is so much bigger than us, and the University needs to be a place that holds all of its people. The Chaplaincy team recognises that this asks for a huge amount of stretch from us. It takes immense courage to face one another and to keep our hearts open rather than let them harden against one another.

We are shattered that Jewish students are subject to ongoing and rising instances of antisemitism, and that Palestinian members of our community live with anti-Palestinian racism. Our priority is to keep everybody safe, respected, heard and supported.

Gatherings and support

The Chaplaincy is holding an ongoing series of support meetings for Palestinian and Israeli students and staff. We will share details of future events with directly affected staff and students.

Support is also available through Student Advisers, the Student Wellbeing Service, Student Counselling, The Advice Place, and the University’s Report + Support platform for reporting harassment, discrimination or hate.

You can find out more about the support available on the University of Sanctuary and Students’ Association webpages.

A University of Sanctuary – support | The University of Edinburgh 

The Advice Place | Edinburgh University Students’ Association

Prayers are being said daily by the Chaplains. The Sanctuary, a beautiful, self-contained space at the back of Common Room in the Chaplaincy Centre, 1 Bristo Square, is a place of Sanctuary and quiet for everyone to use. It is open across the week, and people are welcome to go in at any time.

Many in our community are at present needing to put their energies into mourning, being vigilant, feeling safe, looking for family and friends, regrouping, and finding solace in one another, and we want to assist where we can, providing space, protection, and support.


We pray for an end to violence and injustice in Israel and Palestine.

We pray for beacons of hope; people, actions, words and initiatives that bring healing.

We pray for all who mourn and all who are fearing for their lives and for their loved ones, or who are waiting to hear about missing family and friends.

We pray also that the international community will work towards lasting peace in the region.