25th of May 2020

Today's reflection has been chosen by the University Chaplain Revd Dr Harriet Harris.

Eid tribute to NHS
Eid tribute to the NHS Scotland and all frontline workers

This weekend the Edinburgh University Chaplaincy, invited by our Muslim friend Shabir Beg of the Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society, joined with many faith and belief groups in giving an Eid tribute to NHS and other frontline workers.

Shabir Beg has written the below for us today

Eid al Fitr is the second most significant festive day of the Islamic Calendar. It means "Festivity of the Breaking of the Fast" and denotes the end of the Month of Fasting: Ramadhan. Religiously, it is a time for reconciliation and greeting one's family and neighbours, and sharing gifts. Spiritually, it is a time for further worship and for reaping the multitude blessings and rewards from the Divine that were accumulated and multiplied over the course of the Month of Ramadhan. The Holy Prophet Muhammad is quoted to have said: "Angels on the day of Eid stand at the alleys and paths and say, 'rush to the Generous Lord who gives great blessings and forgives great sins.' "