Crafting and Sewing Society

Details of Crafting and Sewing Society and how you can get involved.

Crafting and Sewing society logo: Blue text on a white background \"Craft & Sew Soc\"

Whether you have a newfound interest or a life-long love of crafting, our society is open to you. Each week, we complete a different craft which needs no experience at all! From macrame keyrings to clay modelling, we love to get stuck in and let our creative spirits run free. With no expectations or deadlines, our society is a great way to unwind from life stresses and meet some lovely new people.


With a one-time membership fee of £5 per semester or £10 for the full academic year, we provide all the materials you will need to get involved in the weekly crafts. We also allow drop-in payments of £1 a week if you want to try it out first and see if it’s for you!


We also enjoy spending time together outside of the weekly sessions and organise many social events such as pub quizzes and potlucks so that we can get to know each other a bit more and have some fun.


Despite the restrictions brought on us last year, we still managed to provide our members with crafts to do in their own homes. This year, we’re optimistic that we can resume our weekly meetings as and when we receive word from the university. Our usual meetings take place each Wednesday from 3pm to 5pm in the Chaplaincy, Room 2. To keep up to date with our schedule and plans for the year, head to our socials below and don’t hesitate to ask any questions!


Facebook group: Craft and Sew Soc 

Instagram: @edicraftsoc

EUSA page:
