
This page is dedicated to the Chaplaincy Donations.

Thank you for supporting the Chaplaincy.

Your donations make a huge difference to the Chaplaincy`s breadth of support, and its public engagement and social justice work.

Our vision is to keep delivering projects like student pilgrimages and Eco-retreats, support for Syrian teenagers, and writing projects to break the desperate isolation that has affected so many people during the lock-down. 

Please do not forget, our Multi-Faith and Belief Chaplaincy Service offers a confidential listening ear to anyone in our University community on matters ranging from homesickness, isolation, and anxiety, to any other challenges life throws at you. We are here for you and even if life is good we want to hear your success stories too.

Please email for further information.

Our donations are currently supporting:

Why Don’t You Write Me

Syrian Tutoring Programme

This is a photo of young choir from Soweto

Projects previously supported by Chaplaincy Donations