Chaplaincy Listener - Katy Fisher

Katy Fisher is one of the resident Chaplaincy Listeners.

Katy standing on a beach

Katy joined The Chaplaincy in July 2024, moving from student support at Edinburgh College of Art. Having seen for herself the hugely positive impact of the Listening Service, she is excited to join the team and become part of that work herself.

A graduate of Edinburgh University, Katy found her calling in education after working as a copy writer and journalist. She still loves words and their unique power whether spoken or written.  Over the past 25 years, she has taught and managed in a variety of settings from small language schools, large universities to government education in Spain. Katy previously helped to develop Kaplan’s successful peer mentoring scheme for international students before returning to Edinburgh University to work in student support in 2022.

Part of the reason Katy loves working with people, is that the learning is always a two-way street. She understands that scholastic success is about far more than attending lectures, seminars and the library (though they are a good start!) and has always been drawn to the human stories behind the academic work. She loves seeing students and staff flourish and helping to unlock whatever might be hindering that.

To support that she has continued her professional development in Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD, Anxiety and is currently completing Counselling Studies with a focus on active listening skills. In addition to her professional interest in mental health and wellbeing, she has a keen personal interest, having made time to attend courses in Mindfulness and in Nutrition and is fascinated by the emerging links between the gut and the mind.

As a keen outdoor swimmer, Katy maintains her own wellbeing in the water. She also dabbles in yoga, occasional runs, and loves a good story whether that be in person, written down or acted out on screen or stage. But most of her time is spent happily running around with her own small humans as they start to explore the world and supporting their emerging interests in the environment, Gaelic, sport and art.

Katy Fisher

Chaplaincy Listener

  • University of Edinburgh
  • Chaplaincy

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