Benefits for institutions

Information about The Abundant Academy

a messy doodle of green grass and purple and yellow flowers

The Abundant Academy personal and leadership development Programmes, grow leaders who:

  • Manage and support others with insight and confidence, using empirically-based, cutting-edge resources and strategies
  • Lead with vision and clarity of purpose and values, bringing huge motivational and relational benefits for their teams
  • Work with emotional intelligence, which, research shows, has team-members feel 50% more inspired, and 40% less frustrated; boosting retention and reducing burn-out in teams
  • Address imposter syndrome in self and others, as well as fear of stepping-up, procrastination or lack of confidence
  • Delegate effectively and wisely, thereby empowering others and benefiting from collaborative input, rather than isolating themselves under the weight of work and alienating team members
  • Maintain healthy relationship between work and the rest of life, career, family and other priorities, with aligned sense of what feels important and meaningful
  • Give responsible and collaborative feedback to managees and managers, with creative ideas for effective solutions and initiatives
  • Cultivate a proactive, fully-informed, and sustainable approach to wellbeing, promoting health, managing stress and avoiding burnout.