8th April 2020

Today's reflection comes from Nasim Azad, one of our Muslim Belief Contacts at The Chaplaincy

Image of white hands holding a white heart on a red background.

In times like this we need... 

The image to the right, I feel epitomises my sentiments, given the current crisis across the world. The image on the left shows a picture of all family members coming together for the love of Islam. In every home across the world right now families are together, being given a chance to reconnect with each other and their faith. They are spending valuable time together eating, walking, playing, reading prayers, learning new skills, watching TV and much more, this is indeed a blessing. The image on the right is a short but concise reminder that no matter what the circumstances, I have Allah (God), He is there for me at all times to call upon; yet at times I fail in reaching out to Him. Allah is not only to be remembered in difficult times but more importantly He is to be remembered when life is good. During this global difficult period may we help and support each other, be kind and watch out for each other, share in the provisions and above all say a prayer for the safety and wellbeing of all. Ameen.

Nasim Azad, Muslim Belief Contact, University of Edinburgh. 

Image of hands: with the text \"Sad? Talk to Allah. Happy? Talk to Allah. Problem? Ask Allah for help. Depressed? Cry to Allah