17th of April 2020

Today's reflection was written by the University's Honorary Buddhist Chaplain Ani Rinchen Khandro.



Karmapa Foundation Europe image

In these challenging times, with most of us confined to our homes by the threat of Coronavirus infection, it is more important than ever to look after ourselves and others. What better time to put our faith into practice! Released from the daily grind of worldly work we have more time and freedom to focus on our inner world and turn a negative situation into a positive opportunity. Of course we also have to be practical, working at home and caring for our family. But by using our time well we can bring out the best in ourselves and in each other.

By sitting quietly and tuning in to the wisdom and compassion of our inner teacher, whatever our faith or belief, brings the peace and strength to face the world and conquer fear with love, darkness with light and despair with joy. Today my teacher, His Holiness the 17th Karmapa, came out of solitary retreat to give the following message to us all. I am so glad to be able to share it with you, along with my heartfelt prayers for your health and happiness,


Please follow the link below to read more about His Holiness Karmapa and his message on the current pandemic. 
