Mindfulness Drop-In


Mindfulness lunchtime drop-in sessions run Fridays, 13:10-13:50pm. Starting 17th January and running until April 4th

There will be no drop-in on the 24th January. 7th February or 28th February.

All drop-ins are open to UoE students and staff, NHS Lothian staff and EFI Partners.

They are open to beginners, as well as supporting those with a regular (or rusty!) practice.

  • Room 2, Chaplaincy Centre, Bristo Square
  • 13:10-13:50pm

This is open to all – and may particularly suit beginners, or those in need of recoup on a Friday.

Friday sessions run in-person in Room 2 at the Chaplaincy Centre, Bristo Square. No booking is needed. Come come, whoever and however you are!