The Library of Abundance

Details of additional Abundant Academy resources.

Mindfulness Resources:

Online Drop-in Sessions and Mindfulness drop-ins at The Chaplaincy Centre

These run Tuesdays online via Zoom and Fridays in the Chaplaincy Centre, 1.10-1.50pm. Drop-ins begin Tuesday 21st and Friday 24th of January 2021. 

Tuesday: Reflection and Inquiry 

The reflection and inquiry practice explores patterns of distraction, busyness, or difficulty. Open to all, it may particularly suit those with previous experience of mindfulness practice.

Friday: Grounding and Replenishment 

The grounding and replenishment practice explores how to settle, steady, and ground the attention. This is also open to all – and may particularly suit beginners, or those in need of recoup on a Friday.

The MindLetter

The weekly MindLetter consists of an email, with a theme for reflection. It can be read by itself, and also includes a linked practice to explore in your own time.

Day Retreats

An online Mindfulness Day Retreat is an opportunity to undertake guided and supported practice and reflection, in your home. They run monthly on Saturdays during term-time.


Our lives are speaking to us all the time, but we can miss what they are saying.  In one-to-one conversations, dreamwhispering offers the space to explore and develop values and talents, and identify what are our most energising and de-energising environments, around the two vital questions: Who is my true Self? and What is my contribution?

By appointment with Geoffrey Baines:

Mindful Doodling

A weekly opportunity to relax and to listen more through doodling.  We'll be meeting digital and personal experience (check-in, personal time to doodle and check-out) in the first semester, exploring simple elements of doodling to help us be more centred and present.  Drawing experience is not necessary: everyone can doodle.  And we'll be taking our time, doodle coming from the word dawdle.

Mondays 16:00-17:00 online via Zoom and Tuesday lunchtimes: 13:00-13.50pm in The Chaplaincy Centre. 

Multicoloured doodle with the text: may your curiosity lead you in

Weekly Lunchtime Provision