Camas 2022

A community week for students on the island of Mull, Scotland, May 30th – June 4th with members of the Grassmarket Community Project (GCP)

Photograph taken from a beach on the Isle of Mull. There are small stones on the beach looking out to sea

This week will bring together students of Edinburgh University and members of the Grassmarket Community Project (GCP) at the Camas Centre on Mull (one of the island centres of the Iona Community).


The aim is to share experience for a week. We hope to particularly engage students who are interested in the social care area and / or want to learn from and listen to members of the GCP community.


The shared week would involve: some physical work together e.g. gardening, painting and sharing of stories, some environmental education related to the place as well as enjoying the beautiful island.


The ethos at Camas: community building across difference and concern for sustainable living, goes easily together with the ethos of the GCP community which aims to provide support to vulnerable people though community as well as the ethos of the Chaplaincy which encourages that and diversity and inclusion.


This is an opportunity for students of Edinburgh University and members of the Grassmarket community to engage in a mutually enriching experience.

For impressions from the first trip:


Time: 30th May – 4th June 2022

Cost: £50 for the week (limited numbers - heavily subsidised) plus travel there and back

If you are interested please write 200 words to Urzula ( why you would like to come on this week and include your name, university email address, mobile number, and year and subject of study at Edinburgh University


What is the Grassmarket Community Project (GCP)?

As a social enterprise, the Grassmarket Community Project encourages a sense of community, to support members who are often the most vulnerable people within our society. At the start of the project, only individuals affected by homelessness were supported. However, now it is inclusive to people with physical and mental health issues and those with learning difficulties. The project can help them alleviate their hardships by developing life skills and confidence though training and education. Grassmarket community project offers a wide range of activities, from cooking to reading and writing, drama, gardening and art.

Being a social enterprise means that the majority of profits are reinvested back into the project or donated to create positive social change. Most of the funding is made through the trade and the organisation is independent from the state. At the Grasssmarket community project there are few enterprises: café, furniture making and tartan textiles. They employ disadvantaged volunteers to help them become more employable and confident in themselves.


Photograph of gardening at Camas. The photograph shows three people inside a greenhouse tending to the plants.

What is Camas on Isle of Mull?

Camas is an outdoor centre housed in 200 years old cottages on a beautiful bay in Isle of Mull. It is run by the Iona Community and strives to empower and enhance love, respect and awareness of self and others, God and the environment. As such, these cottages are powered by wind turbines and hot water is generated by solar panel which creates a simple, sustainable lifestyle associated with nature.

Camas offers a week-long experience for young people and adults from marginalised backgrounds who can join as individuals or in a group. During the stay, outdoor and community activities are conducted in a safe and nurturing environment. These bonding activities are aimed at fostering positive community energy among guests and staff. Moreover, the activities also allow time for participants to build confidence through valuing themselves and each other. The flexibility of these programmes enables the needs of guests to be met and at best, Camas is a place to have fun, forge friendships and a platform for personal growth and development.