Camas 2020

COVID 19 Update Following government advice on travel during COVID19 outbreak this years Camas trip has sadly been cancelled.

 Camas 2020

A community week for students on the island of Mull, Scotland, Monday 1st June – Saturday 6th  June 2020 with members of the Grassmarket Community.

Photograph of the Island of Mull on a sunny blue sky day

This week will bring together students of Edinburgh University with members of the Grassmarket Community (a city centre community supporting vulnerable citizens) to experience a week together at the Camas Centre on Mull.  Camas is one of the island centres of the Iona Community.  We hope particularly to engage students who are interested in the social care area who want to learn from and listen to members of the Grassmarket community.

The shared week would involve some physical work together e.g. gardening, painting, the sharing of stories, some environmental education related to place, and enjoying the beautiful island.

The ethos at Camas, of community building across difference and concern for sustainable living sits easily together with the ethos of the Grassmarket community, which aims to create community and provide sanctuary and support to participants, and the ethos of the Chaplaincy (which encourages diversity and inclusion).

To read more about Camas centre click the link:

The following link will show you film footage of what is involved:

This is an opportunity for students of the University of Edinburgh and members of the Grassmarket community to engage in a mutually enriching experience.

Dates: Monday 1st June  - Sat  6th June 2020

Cost: £50 for the week (heavily subsidised) plus travel there and back.

Camas 2020 Opportunity Leaflet (788.59 KB / PDF)
Camas Comments 2019 (691.41 KB / PDF)