
Details of Eco-Spirituality courses offered during term time.

Image with the text Spirit in all things: beside the text are two birds sitting on plants with sky in the background.

Please note that the Eco-Spirituality course will not be running currently but please check this page as details will be added. 

‘Earth-honouring spirituality as a movement can become an amazing gathering place, a kind of watering hole for persons whose passion has been touched by the environmental issues of our day’

In this course, we will look at what sustains us to value and treat each other and the planet as sacred. We will have a chance to gather at the watering hole of eco –spirituality using the work of Joanna Macy, Matthew Fox and others. Drawing on different faith traditions, and using creative resources, we will explore the climate emergency and look at 4 paths that move us towards transformation and hope.

1) The path of wonder and awe that enables us to delight in the gift of life and motivates us to care for each other and the planet

2) The path of recognising suffering and brokenness and acknowledging the crisis and planetary dis-ease of our time.

3) The path of creative response arising from the two previous paths

4) The path of transformation towards action for change


The afternoons will balance input with experiential elements using a variety of creative approaches