King's Buildings

Chaplaincy rooms in the Mary Brück Building.

Location of King's Buildings Chaplaincy

Map to King's Buildings Chaplaincy

The Chaplaincy rooms at King's Buildings are on the third floor of the Mary Brück Building, building 35 on the map on this page (circled). See a larger version of the map.

Enter via Gate 3, and it's the second building on the right along Colin MacLaurin Road. Take the lift or stairs to the third floor to find the Chaplaincy rooms.

The Chaplaincy rooms include two Muslim prayer rooms, two common rooms and a kitchen.

The building is accessible 8:30am-5pm. If you hold a University card, it is possible to have a code added to this to access the building outside of these hours. Please email for more information. 

If you work on the King’s Buildings site but do not have a University card, the Chaplaincy may be able to arrange a visitor card for you. Please e-mail for more information.

If you do not hold a University card, you must be with someone who does hold a valid access card in order to enter the building outside these hours.



There are no chaplains based on the King's Buildings campus but you can make an appointment to meet with a chaplain on site.

Contact or ring 0131 650 2595 to make an appointment.